I'm quite fond of Coke, but have to limit myself to only having the odd can every so often. Last year I drank a can at lunchtime on Xmas day and another similar time on Boxing day, and it did really strange things to my waste removal system. I won't go into details for obvious reasons! My choice now, for some unfathomable reason is pink grapefruit, which I get delivered from Amazon (where would we be without it) in vast quantities. Amazon is the saviour of my life. Where else would you be able to place an order for an air fryer, a fold up brolly, a pack of tea towels, over the door hooks, a nail buffer and a long sleeved tee shirt, all at the same time!

The pantomime horse is something I might've done in my younger days (big laughs all round), these days I'd applaud anyone who could carry that off :) :-)

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It does CRAZY things to the internal systems.

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Well, back in the day in my home country Kombucha was called a 'mushroom' (some interesting pictures on the Internet) and lived on the top of the fridge in 3l glass jar. Every week you had to take in down wash it and add clean water and sugar to it to feed it. Ready to drink in a couple of days. People used to share the 'mushroom', you couldn't just buy it.

We didn't have Coca Cola till the 90th, we had Pepsi and some local lemonades (one was bright green, they still make it - Tarkhuna), the other option was Kvass - bread based fizzy drink, still love it. Try it (you can find in in Easter European shops.

So, for us Kombucha was a lemonade, we were not aware of any medical properties. I was very surprised when they started to produce here and how popular it became.

I buy it some times to remember the 'mushroom' that lived on the top of the fridge :)

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Wow! What did "the mushroom" smell like? Was this done just to get a fizzy drink? x

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Crikey, your old green shorts and those mini magnums must be quaking in their boots if you've given up your full fat cokes.😳

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Have you tried cans of Trip? It’s very low dose CBD (I don’t think I feel any effect other than ahhhhh, nice drink), no added sugar and low calorie. Elderflow & mint and peach & ginger are my favourite flavours. There’s also basil and something if you’re hankering after something disgusting.

And, great news, available on Amazon (also Asda and Sainsbury’s)

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Oooh will add to the list!

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Coke (of the Cola variety!) is my go-to travel drink when jet-lagged and is the only time I have it (it has to be full sugar from a can). In the States this year, we all loved cans of Poppi (apparently it contains prebiotics and apple cider vinegar so is a healthy soda type drink). Not convinced on the health benefits but we felt like we were taking the healthier option! Our mind is clever in believing marketing, even if we can see through the sales speak.

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The stuff we are buying! Ha. My mum despairs in me. I mean I just ordered a load of fizzy flavoured water cans. They were expensive. IT'S WATER.

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I fill a jug with sparkling water and then add ice and some cut fruit (strawberries, kiwis, lemons, oranges). It tastes good and at the end I eat the fruit.

When I was in Japan I used to play Russian roulette with the vending machines and one day I got a brown fizzy drink with never before heard ingredients (herbal I think). It was very nice, not sweet and apparently very good for you. Obviously I forgot the name…

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NICE! Except I have a thing about fruit that has been in drinks. I cannot do Pimms, for example. It just doesn't sit well with me.

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I’ve been drinking this and also get in bulk and no one in my family likes it apart from me (they are Coke and Dr Pepper drinkers), although admittedly I can’t say I have seen any visible health benefits. BUT I’ve been using it as a wine replacement as trying to cut down in the week and that is a winner for me 👌🏻

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It's amazing how you can trick your mind that anything's a treat...

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"I’ve been tempted by the pantomime horse but have so far resisted." You make me laugh, thank you!

I'm a recent convert to Kombucha (been trying different brands; fave so far is Left Field). My 22-year old son is also developing a habit, at my expense. So is my 3-year old grandson, who after every mouthful scrunches up his face, goes, "Sour!" Then asks for more!

Weirdest thing for me is that after I started drinking it I started writing again, after a drought of YEARS! I don't think they list that on the health benefits. (Think it also had something to do with reading inspiring writing here on Substack.)

Good luck in kicking the Coke habit!

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Interesting! My husband has taken to drinking it too, so the cans have been disappearing at a rapid rate: he thought they were energy drinks because he got a boost afterwards... Maybe I need to do some scientific studies of my own...

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Cherry Coca Cola is my weakness, I cut down a few months ago and replaced it with Hip Pop Kombucha and Living Soda, I love the Tropical Peach Living Soda. When I stocked up earlier today on the website they had 28% discount

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Off to look!

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Coke in a can. If Corn Syrup is part of the ingredients list instead of cane sugar, break the habit sooner rather than later.

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If you need a new kombucha to try, I recommend Counter Culture; they're very good, and they're just a tiny company in Bristol. I'd never really tried much kombucha until their's and I really like it. Poss not on Amazon, though...

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Thank you!

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It smelled like kombucha, but stronger, not unpleasant, but looking at it, you will never in a million years think that: yes, I'll have that with my lunch! :). The thing was brown and slimy :)

I am not why we had it, it wasn't anything that children asked for, but the choice of drinks were limited, so, yes, I suppose, if you wanted to drink something besides water or tea, you have that :)

It was not as clear as kombucha, we didn't filter it.

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I empathise on the Coke habit. Before retiring I drank 2 or 3 Coke Zeros a day. I’m diabetic so full fat Coke was verboten. Hells bells I was wired, still whatever gets you through an NHS shift is a bonus.

Now? Sugar free ginger beer, the more fiery the better.

Is there a ginger kombucha in that pack? If so please report back.

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Yes there is! It's actually the best flavour. Ginger and lemon. Followed by mango. The raspberry lemonade is the worst, interestingly.

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Thank you!

Off to Amazon to buy ginger Kombucha

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Brilliant read x

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Thanks Sarah!

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