Ha this is an entertaining subject for sure 😄 I go to my local beauty salon for regular lip waxes, it bloody hurts like hell (way worse than my regular bikini waxes) but I like a professional job and I can't be bothered to deal with it myself.

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I have been shaving my face, with a plain ole razor, since perimenopause, circa 2018. I tried other ways and found the razor to be the most cost-conscious, time-conscious option.

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Oh Jesus Dear God. I'm so sorry Ruth. I've been past that for awhile now. This is how it starts. What's gonna happen is you are not going to have to shave your legs at all. But the face! You ain't seen nothing yet. Get some stock in the Finishing Touch. Your face? At least one a week but ck daily for fast growing areas. I hope someone has told you before me. Again, I'm so sorry. There is a club to join now

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Razor it is. Though a collegue of mine from Iran did laser off a lot of hair i.e face, armpits, from the navel down. Saying that I do feel for the women who are suffering from POCS where the symptom might be the growing of thick dark hair on parts of your body that typically would have fine thin hair.

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Your de-fuzzing posts are leading me down a slippery slope... "What if I become Chiwaka?" is my number one intrusive thought.

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My facial place has just started offering dermaplaning, and I’m so conflicted about whether to start. One one hand, the idea of products working better because they don’t sit on a layer of hair and makeup sitting better—great! But stubble of the perimenopause courser hairs sounds awful!

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I have the little dermaplaning razors you can buy in tkmaxx as Jamie Genevieve mentioned she used them for her eyebrows, and I must admit I do use them on the sides of my face once in a while as its so satisfying!

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Ok I’m persuaded. I’ve ordered it!

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I bought the new Venus “dermaplaner” last week and while I was horrified at what came off the results speak for themselves. My cheekbones even look more refined. Will not go back

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This is going to be my next experiment.

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Could you say more about the stubble phase please? I am also fuzzy but feel stubble would be a greater horror.

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It’s sort of like a sandy stubble rather than a prickly stubble. Is that more horrifying or less?

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Tbh anything with stubble in the title is a no I think.

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I feel seen!! I bought that Flawless and hing off Amazon and started using it but I'm scared it's a slippery slope !! It's just too easy and tempting to do the full chin + jaw fuzz and where will it end! 😭

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Hang tight, cuz it's not gonna. Lol

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Whole face, whole body, imagine the day of entire-body stubble that would occur every few weeks!

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You are reading my mind! I choked on my tea! I’m investigating the new ummmmm “Titanium Soprano Ice” (Thankyou Lily pebbles) as I have a zero pain tolerance and at 45 I just put the Ultraviolette tinted sunscreen on my anaemically vampire pale skin and stood in horror I HAVE SIDEBURNS!!! Plus cheeks and forehead and moustache EVERYTHING was visible so I have made an appointment to chat with the only place in Sydney that has that particular machine (In Bondi of course it would be) Bondi is full of gym loving goddesses…well I applaud their dedication however I will just stick with face for now or maybe face and arms…or maybe legs and who haah as well …. And these machines don’t work on white hair (I’m dark hair and ridiculously pale) but have spotted the first few white hairs appearing oh god this is a rabbit hole

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Titanium Soprano Ice is the most random name for anything I’ve ever heard. Did they use an AI generator?! Now I’m off to research this.

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Funny, I’ve been shaving, yes full on shaving my face for 20 plus years at least once a week. I have no dark hairs, all blonde peach fuzz. It started off as being bored one day staring in mirror. But then I realized how exfoliating it was and I became obsessed. Now 50 years old, still do it. I just use my husband’s razor and my cleanser! I’m fast and efficient!! And no, your hair doesn’t come back black and course…

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Why do these things always begin with boredom. Hahaha….

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I started "dermaplaning" (and agree with Una, it is just shaving) during lockdown when I couldn't get to the salon for threading. It was great until I started peri menopause and some thicker, darker hairs appeared...

Shaving those leads to stubble, so I am having electrolysis to try to tame those now (hurts like hell but seems to be reducing it. Although, be warned, if you use tretinoin you need to avoid for a few days before and after the appointment to avoid hyper sensitivity).

No idea why it is tweeting hairs on chin and lip never seems to stop them growing back, whereas overpluck eyebrows and they don't want to come back!

I still deal with the peach fuzz with dermaplaning, it definitely makes my skin look better, the peach fuzz dulls it and my make up seems to sit better without it.

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It always starts with that one hair… next news your dermaplaning your whole face telling your husband that your face post dermaplaning now feels as soft as a baby’s bottom and your finishing powder now can do its job instead of clinging to those pesky little bits of peach fuzz…

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